illustrate and elucidate your thesis and not just serve as “fillers”

ormat: Paper should be 12-15 pages typed, double spaced, one-inch margins all around, 12 -point standard
Times New Roman font. Your paper may contain tables, graphs, charts or photos, but must help to illustrate
and elucidate your thesis and not just serve as “fillers”. However the total Word Count should be at least
3800 to 5000 words or slightly more, which corresponds to 12 to 15 typed pages of narrative, according to
the above mentioned page format, font and spacing.
Title and Cover Page: Your paper should have a Cover page with your Name, Course name, and most
importantly a Clear, Pointed and Succinct title that accurately describes the subject and topic of your paper,
so you don’t leave your reader guessing as to what your paper is about?
References: Reference citation should be APA (author, date) style format, exact quotes in quotation marks,
with an Alphabetized list of References, which are reflective of your Literature Review done with previous
assignment, and included at the end of your paper. You were asked to amass at least 30 to 50 or more
citations from your initial literature review and you should have at least 15 or more references retained or
added from that initial literature review. The APA style format guidelines are included in the Course
Module resource guide, and also available in the SF Library. Points will be deducted for not following
aforementioned APA style format. No other format will be accepted, so please don’t ask. Thank you!

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