Implied Child Reader” & Think About It

At least 2.5 Pages Double-Spaced Using MLA: 700 words: Response to “Implied Child Reader” & Think About It Chapter 1 readings using discussion post submission for Question #3, as the starting point
In this response paper, I’d like you to focus on how effective, or not, Wannamaker’s argument is in challenging most of our assumptions about children’s literature.
Please make sure to use cited quotes (in-text citations + work cited page) as evidence to back your points
Use a Work Cited Page for All Essays (even rough Drafts) Please!

I’ve included the Work Cited Page that you can copy and paste into your document in Module 2
This is the first rough draft for Essay 1 & must be plagiarism-free (intentional or unintentional: avoid this by making sure to include all citations using MLA, including rough drafts!)
Please see “How to Write a Response Paper” & the sample response essay in Module 2 for help
Please see the guidelines for writing a response essay in Module 2 for help
Use Word or Google docs only please and submit to Canvas by no later than Wed., June 29th 11:59pm
Please attend this week’s Zoom sessions to get help with this assignment
Must use quotes, paraphrases, or summaries from “Implied Child Reader” & Think About It Chapter 1
All material from the essay must be properly cited in MLA; this includes using a works cited page with the essay as a full reference

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