In a paragraph, describe how your understanding and feelings about the issue have evolved after watching the material.

STEAM ENGINES (3:27) (7:44) (3:07)
Q1: Watch the above videos, based
on this material, describe why the Watt steam engine is more efficient than the earlier
Newcomen steam engine. What improvements were made that increased the
efficiency? See the material in the Sept 15 lecture to understand the topic of “efficiency”
in energy systems.
COAL (3:09) (4:38) (3:04)
Q2: Watch the above videos, also shown during the Sept 13 lecture. From this material,
it is seen that coal has played a complex role shaping the interplay of technology,
society and environment over the last couple centuries of the industrial era continuing to
today. In a paragraph, describe how your understanding and feelings about the issue
have evolved after watching the material. A suggestion is to establish a baseline by first
identifying your prior understanding and feelings, and then identifying the key factual
information you learned after watching these videos and studying the overall material in
this section that you did not know or were less aware of. This may serve as a
springboard into how your thoughts have evolved afterwards.

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