In preparing for the Personal Leadership Strategic Plan Assignment, develop a Literature Review Matrix

preparing for the Personal Leadership Strategic Plan Assignment, develop a
Literature Review Matrix. Use the Literature Matrix Example that is attached, provide
relevant criteria for each article reviewed, or you can use the example
below. Do Not modify the Literature
You may use quantitative
or qualitative research; however, for this assignment, you may find
qualitative research more applicable. In addition to research
studies, you may use literature reviews or evidence supported by
government, consumer, and professional organizations. Must incorporate peer-reviewed
Each literature source
submitted must have relevance
to your
Personal Leadership Strategy. For grading criteria, see
Literature Review Matrix Rubric.
Include in the Review
Matrix research to support your Personal Leadership Strategic Plan after
considering the following:
Refer back to assessments,
SWOT analysis, and readings in Module.
Reflect back on the
“burning question” that you have as a nurse.
Begin to think about your
vision for nursing, your vision for yourself in your current practice
setting, your vision for yourself as a practical nurse, and how you would
utilize your strengths to purpose your vision. What areas repeatedly
emerge as strengths? How can you use those to
develop as a leader throughout your career? In what areas do you need
to develop?
What will you do to
overcome those limitations and enhance your leadership potential?

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