Instructional Design and a Biblical Foundation Template

Instructional Design and a Biblical Foundation Template
Begin the paper with a bulleted outline of the key information. This is modeled in each chapter of Reigeluth (2017). Do not include the italicized text in your paper.
Preconditions (when to use the theory)
• Content
• Learners
• Learning environments
• Instructional development constraints
Values (opinions about what is important)
• About ends (learning goals)
Christ’s model of thoughtful contemplation of truth
• About means (instructional methods)
Christ’s model of practical application of truth
• About priorities (criteria for successful instruction)
Christ’s model of relational invitation to truth
• About power (to make decisions about the previous three)
Universal Principles
Situational Principles
Implementation Issues
Restate the Title of Paper/Module
Provide important background and setting information.
Current Status
Describe the purpose of the instruction and discuss each of the preconditions: content, learners, learning environments, and instructional development constraints.
Theoretical Foundation
Discuss the theories selected to address the current status.
Biblical Foundation
Discuss the biblical principles that will guide the development of instruction.
Discuss the values about ends, priorities, means, and power. The biblical principles will influence the identified values and this should be evident. Learning goals will include Christ’s model of thoughtful contemplation of truth. Plan for and discus how you will nourish understanding with biblical truth. Instructional methods will focus on Christ’s model of practical application of truth. Plan for and discuss how you will optimize knowledge and practice with biblical principles. Criteria for successful instruction will include Christ’s model of relational invitation to truth. Plan for and discuss how you will encourage learners (as appropriate to your setting) to welcome others into a deeper understanding of biblical truth).
Universal Design Principles for Instruction
In this section, identify the UD principles that are most appropriate to the learners and environment for which you are planning the instructional module. Reigeluth (2017) provides a rich source of universal principles across the 15 chapters.
Situational Principles
In this section, identify the situational principles that are most appropriate to the learners and the learning environment(s) for which you are planning the instructional module. If the instruction is aimed at learners in a public setting where the sharing of faith is not permitted, discuss how biblical principles may still apply and how these can be encouraged, appropriate to the setting. Reigeluth (2017) provides a rich source of principles across the 15 chapters.
Implementation Issues
In this section, identify issues that may arise, thus impacting the learning. For each issue, identify preventive measures as part of the planning and design. Reigeluth (2017) provides a rich source of examples across the 15 chapters.
This final section you will share closing remarks that highlight the key ideas.
Include each of the textbooks from the course that have been referenced for this assignment, as well as other references, including journal articles.

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