International Financial Reporting and Ethics Recognize ethical issues involved in financial reporting.

International Financial Reporting and Ethics
ethical issues involved in financial reporting.
the cultural and social environment and the effect on ethical financial
reporting for multinational entities.
the differences between ethical and legal issues.
the differences between IFRS and generally accepted accounting
principles (GAAP) and where they are applicable.
professionally according to the expectations of the field of accounting.
in a manner that is professional and in accordance with the expectations
of the field of accounting.
Since more and more companies have
international components, an understanding of IFRS, international ethics, and
the international environment are essential to executing your duties regarding
international financial statements and audits.
firms are expected to establish and maintain a system of quality control.
PCAOB inspections often cite the lack of quality controls as a deficiency
of audit firms. What role does leadership play in developing the kind of
quality control system that supports ethical decision making in audits?
how the circumstances under each of the following might reflect failed
leadership by auditors and the audit firm:
of time on an engagement.
sign-off on audit procedures.
weak client explanations for accounting.
legitimacy refers to the generalized perception or assumption of
observers that the actions of an entity are desirable, proper, or
appropriate within some socially constructed system of norms, values, and
beliefs. Explain how moral legitimacy might be applied to assess the
actions of audit firms.

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