Is it possible to motivate employees who just don’t care about the outcomes of the company?

This is a 2-4 page opinion piece. Based on your readings, how would you address the questions below. This assignment is very different from the blog assignment in which I have very specific citation requirements, and remind you not to “just shoot from the hip.” In this case, not only can you “shoot from the hip” but it is welcomed. No citations are required unless you are quoting directly or paraphrasing from someone else’s work. Tell me what you think of the business issues presented in this film clip. Absolutely proofread before posting. No rubbish!

I suspect that some of you have seen the movie “Office Space.” Is it possible to motivate employees who just don’t care about the outcomes of the company? Can the perceptions of such employees be changed? Do you believe that the way that the management characters are cast in this film is typical of bosses in general? If you were to put the management team of this company through a training program, what would you teach them?

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