Juvenile Justice and the 5th Amendment Right Against Self-Incrimination

The Annotated Bibliography. For the annotated bibliography, you need to research sources that correspond to the three sections included in the Final Project. The sections require you to address the following topics; Section 1. Juvenile Justice, Transfer to Adult Court and Law Enforcement the 8th Amendment: Cruel and Unusual Punishment; Section 2. Juvenile Justice and the 5th Amendment Right Against Self-Incrimination; and Section 3. Racial Make Up of Juries.
One Source for Section 1
Section No. 1 includes the criminal justice issue of law enforcement communication in multilingual settings. In addition, this case considers applications for criminology. Note that Week 1 includes resources that address life course theory and other criminological theories that consider how criminology could address issues in criminal justice. Accordingly, please include the following:
Summarize one source relevant to the criminal justice issue of law enforcement communication in multilingual communities.
One Source for Section No. 2
Section No. 2 evaluates Eighth Amendment issues in correctional environments with respect to cell conditions. Please include the following:
Summarize one source relevant to the criminal justice issue of cell conditions within the context of Eighth Amendment considerations.
One Source for Section No. 3
Section 3 addresses juror exclusion by race. Note that the recommended resources for this week include two sources that address this issue. Please include the following:
Summarize one source relevant to the criminal justice issue of juror exclusion by race in a criminal case.
Summary of the source (at least one paragraph) including how this source will contribute to your paper

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