Making a recording

Guidance for assignment
Making a recording
The recording can be audio or video depending on whether you are interviewing a ‘real’ patient
or working on Zoom with a simulated patient. The recording does not have to be long, but needs
to show effective communication, in your clinical context. You can choose who you interview and
the topic you talk about. The topic would normally fall into one of the following categories:
 Assessment of a situation and concerns
 Giving information
 Negotiation of decision making
You are not aiming to conduct the perfect interview, but you need to be able to identify the
process of the interview and name and describe the skills, your purpose in using them, and
define the reaction.
Your patient/ simulated patient
I would encourage you to undertake your recording with a simulated patient. There will be lots
of opportunity for practice in the workshops with both actors and your fellow students. The
simulated patient should be based on a real experience so that you can draw from that
person’s history, words and behaviours. All sessions can be recorded and used for development
and feedback and you may choose one of these for submission or you may arrange a separate
time with a fellow student to record your interview.
If you choose to utilise a recording with a ‘real’ patient you will need to observe your local Trust
protocol for consenting the patient and you need to explain to the patient the purpose of what
you are doing. Answer any questions about what the recording will be used for, explain that the
transcript from the recording will be completely anonymised, and ensure they understand that it
will be seen by your tutors, but not shown to anyone else or be used as educational material for
others. Make sure you check and double check that they are happy. Make sure that the
patient/relative knows the recording will be deleted as soon as the work has been marked.
Process recording
A process recording is basically an annotated transcription. Once recorded the interview needs
to be transcribed. The transcript will then be scrutinised to define and describe the conversation,
reflecting the learning outcomes of the course.
It is important that an understanding of the essential skills in clinical interviewing is highlighted,
demonstrating your learning:
 Facilitation and inhibitory skills
 Non-verbal communication
 Cues, use of cues and responses to cues
 Interview structure
 Relationship building
 Understanding of behaviour and how to respond to it

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