Must be written in MPA or APA double spacing 12 point font Times New Roman and o

Must be written in MPA or APA double spacing 12 point font Times New Roman and one inch margins
This week, you spent some time reflecting on persuasion in your everyday life. But why is persuasion so important? Let us think about that a little bit in this assignment.
Now that you have spent some time writing down some potential issues for your project, it is time to narrow the focus.
Part One: After exploring the library databases and reviewing your brainstorming activity, select two potential issues that are related to your career or degree. Again, ensure that you are selecting and writing about two different issues. Each section should be written as a fully developed, 5–8 sentence paragraph.
Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:
Identify two arguable sides about your first issue related to your career or degree field.
Identify two arguable sides about your second issue related to your career or degree field.
Part Two: After exploring both sides of each issue, choose one to write about in your final persuasive essay.
Specifically, you must also address the following rubric criteria:
Choose a side that you might argue.
Identify why your topic would be meaningful to your audience (people connected to your career or degree field).
Guidelines for Submission
Your assignment must be written in MLA or APA format. Use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. This assignment is submitted in Brightspace.

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