“My first time on a cruise ship

Personal narrative about “My first time on a cruise ship”. Essay needs an introduction explaining what the paper will be about, 3 to 4 body paragraphs explaining topics such as fear/anxiety of being in open water, fear/racing thoughts of ship sinking, getting over fears, relaxing and meeting random people, a paragraph about how the experience changed view of cruising (had a good time, events took mind off racing thoughts), and a concluding paragraph.
Details to be included are below, all other elements/details can be fictitious:
– Carnival cruise ship Paradise to Grand Bahamas Islands for honeymoon, cruise attempted to depart but had to return to departure port due to weather getting worse.
– Needs to stress prior fear of open water, unknown, lack of control
– Oct. 20, 2012
– Week before Hurricane Sandy, weather overcast, rainy, windy
– Departure port from West Palm Beach
– 2 Nights/3 Days
– Nervousness/racing thoughts during safety meeting (1st day)
– Cruise returned to port, we were allowed to stay on the ship and participated in events parties, dinners, bingo, etc.
1. Intro
2. Body Paragraph – setting
3. Body Paragraph
4. Body Paragraph
5. Body Paragraph
6. Paragraph – experience changed life (faced fear of sailing, looking forward to trying again?)
7. Conclusion

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