“Napoleon was a child of the Enlightenment.

In evaluating your essay answers, I will consider how well you muster evidence from various lectures and readings to support your case. The more complete your answer — that is the more material you draw upon and the more varied your examples — the better your grade will be. I am looking for both breadth and depth of knowledge. Each of these questions requires you to reference material from several different lectures. Limiting your answer to an excellent discussion of evidence from one lecture — even if it is the most relevant lecture — is not sufficient to earn an “A.” Remember: each of these questions asks you to fashion an argument.

I am not looking for one “right” answer. I am interested in what conclusions you have drawn from the course. At the same time, although your opinions are central to your answer and while I expect you to make your general argument clear, you must present specific evidence drawn from course material to support your case. Without specific examples from lectures and readings you will not have proven your argument not matter how clearly you articulate it. – “Napoleon was a child of the Enlightenment.” Assess the validity of this statement using examples referring to both specific aspects of the Enlightenment and to Napoleon’s policies and attitudes.

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