New product development proposal 1. Require 15-20 slides of power point presentation for new product development.

New product development proposal 1. Require 15-20 slides of power point presentation for new product development. The specific requirement for assessment is attached.
2. Need a 5 star writer with PHD or masters level experience, ideally MBA.
3. I am thinking of using blockchain technologies (product) to improve the Australian healthcare system Or alternatively, you can suggest a product and run it past me first. * If you don’t have the right level of experience please do not bid on this so we can both avoid disappointments. ===============
Specifics of the assessment is below;

•Assessment instructions
•What you need •The
topics covered and activities performed in Weeks 1 to 6 will be helpful in
attempting the assessment.
will build on the customer journey map you created in class before and assess
what improvements could be made using emerging technologies to enhance the
customer experience.
on limitations of the existing system/solution, what improvements in process,
technology and consumer behaviour
would you suggest in this new product development proposal?

are to identify the limitations of the current solution and use emerging
technology to develop a proposal for stakeholders. This proposal is a 15-20
slide deck to be presented to management for investment in the new project. You
must identify an emerging technology, its potential application and use by the
client, its potential benefit to the client and any supporting technology
required. You must also estimate the cost and risk related to this technology
and create a timeline with recommendations on the next steps.

Presentation style/format
will submit your proposal as a 15-20-slide PowerPoint presentation. Your
responses should be written using correct spelling, grammar and punctuation.
Language should be free of bias (including but not limited to race, gender,
sexual orientation or disability).
information should be clearly described and appropriately communicated (e.g.
figures and tables should be appropriately labelled).
referencing is required.

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