Our example of writing from the textbook previous used in this class (p. 37-46) [will be posted in canvas] will give you some ideas describing the process of going from brainstorming, through outlining, drafting and editing.

This journal focuses on your experiences writing the Extended Definition essay. In this assignment I want you to explain your: brainstorming, outlining, drafting, and editing/revising. I want to know the logic behind your organization, what changes you made during the course of drafting and editing and how you felt about the process.
Our example of writing from the textbook previous used in this class (p. 37-46) [will be posted in Canvas] will give you some ideas describing the process of going from brainstorming, through outlining, drafting and editing.
This journal should consist of 3 sections and 3-5 paragraphs:
Explain your brainstorming and outlining before you started writing. You can include class activities.
Explain your drafting and editing – how many drafts did you end up writing before the final draft? What changes did you make between drafts?
How did the writing of this essay feel from beginning to end? Was it enjoyable? Or difficult? Maybe both? Did you learn anything new about the term you chose to define? Did you learn anything new about writing?

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