OverviewBusiness leaders are often faced with situations that require swift but

Business leaders are often faced with situations that require swift but responsible decisions. You’ve learned how critical thinking is more than simply evaluating the pros and cons of a situation. It is a method that engages broad thinking abilities that include brainstorming, data analysis, creativity, collaboration, and reflection. The ability to adapt to ever-changing conditions through critical thinking and decision making is key to capitalizing on market upturns and staying afloat during economic declines.
As part of this course, you will complete a series of assignments.
For this assignment, analyze the diversification strategy of either Disney or Kimberly-Clark using the documents linked within your Soomo webtext. Explain how critical thinking applies to decision making based on your review of a real-world scenario. Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:
Application: Explain how critical thinking for decision making is applicable to the scenario. Use evidence to support your explanations.
What makes critical thinking crucial for decision making?
Analysis: Explain how information (such as facts, opinions, and published reports) is used to determine or establish the context. Use evidence to support your explanations.
Why do you think the company reached the decision to diversify?
What steps do you believe were taken? Explain your response using sources found during the research of your selected company.
Conclusion and related outcomes: Describe the role of logic, evidence, and arguments in the company’s decision-making process.
Was the decision to expand products, services, or value chain successful? Why or why not?

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