Phase I Epidemiological and Ecological data o Explanation of Phase II analysis and synthesis process with demonstration of three clusters of data and rationale for decision of primary risk

Culminating Power Point Presentation & VT for Project
Here is a basic overview or template for presentation. It does not have to be followed precisely but may be helpful to some:
o Brief description of selected issue
o Overview of Phase I Epidemiological and Ecological data o Explanation of Phase II analysis and synthesis process with demonstration of three clusters of data and rationale for decision of primary risk

o Describe a health promotion/disease prevention model as it links to your program o Overview of Program Design including all aspects of the plan o Includes References Slide(s) and citations on slides as appropriate o Concluding statement
Slide One: Brief description of selected issue. This will be a snapshot of the issue and effect on target population. This establishes why it is a relevant area of concern. You should have data on that in your findings.
Slide Two: Epi data: Epi facts: prevalence, incidence, morbidity & mortality, demographic data. (Here is some data that shows what may place a certain group into a higher risk area).
Slide Three: Ecological data: What are the social, political, environmental, cultural & ethical factors that you have found that may place a population or certain members of a population at a higher risk? Do not add surveillance & current efforts in the ppt. Slide Four: Analysis of data. This slide should include factors found from Phase I that determine what places a person/population at risk. It is where the risks should be noted clearly. It should not be new information but easily supported by information found in the first phase and seen by viewer on slides. Remember they are not what is caused by the issue but what causes the issue. Demonstrate the three clusters of data – each leading to a risk related to causation of the issue.
Slide Five: Synthesis – pull it back together here with identifying priority risk and rationale. Slide Six: Model – Describe a health promotion/disease prevention model as it links to your program (see Week 7)
Rest of slides: Present your primary prevention health care program (Phase III). See criteria from the overall guidelines below. Also remember to look at the full criteria and read it carefully as well as the rubric. The full criterion is posted in the assignment support section. Include:
1. Program title, target population, priority risk that will be targeted for reduction by this program
2. List two formal Goals for the program & three Objectives for each Goal. Objectives should be participant centered, have a time frame, be measurable (See Bloom’s taxonomy posted Week 6, for measurable verbs) and link to achieving the goal.
3. Relate the vision of the program as it will be (core components) including: a. Location of the program
b. Key players to maintain the program and implement it
c. Day to day functions, activities etc. How it works.
4. Budget and funding
5. Evaluating the program’s outcome based on the set goals and objectives. The total number of slides will vary among students. There will be between 15 & 18 slides including title slide & reference slides. The ppt will be graded as part of the overall project Slides: content, design (not crowded), citations on slides, timing and of course being posted on time in the drop box week 7 and VT Week 8). There should be a minimum of 15 references. The citations on the slides much match up with those o the reference slide.

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