Please refer to the Annex (Individual Report Assessment Guidelines 2020-21) for specific topic requirements

Please write an essay with the following title:-
Many small businesses look to increase sales by having an online presence to either advertise (e.g. social media) or encourage sales (e.g. third party platforms). Critically assess the advantages and disadvantages of having an online presence for a small business; and evaluate its effectiveness as a resource for growing a small business.
1、Please refer to the Annex (Individual Report Assessment Guidelines 2020-21) for specific topic requirements

2、Please revise my subheading (preferably presented as a phrase)
There seems to be a problem with the structure of my paper, please help me add a 5.0 conclusion and change my previous conclusion for each department to summary (or delete it, you can self-select), please make sure that my paper is correctly structured at the end.
3. Please refer to the attached requirements and revise my paper, I have not defined small business and media in the stem, you can add .

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