Please respond to the following questions based upon these course objectives: 1.

Please respond to the following questions based upon these course objectives:
1. Demonstrate comprehension of the principles of aseptic technique and sterile technique.
2. Identify equipment and sterile supplies used in the operating room and other areas of health care in a hospital facility.
3. Apply principles and techniques for proper decontamination of instruments and equipment as detailed by industry standards.
4. Prepare surgical equipment and supplies for sterilization, storage, and distribution according to industry standards.
5. Identify proper processes and mechanisms of sterilization for instrumentation and equipment used in the operating room.
6. Demonstrate various wrapping and packaging techniques and use of materials to prepare items for sterilization.
7. Apply medical terminology and basic anatomy as it relates to sterile processing. 8. Demonstrate the use of the various chemicals and safety protocols used in the decontamination and sterilization processes.
9. Show the use and application of personal protective equipment (PPE).
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