Pre-K and Kindergarten by incorporating Cognitive Kindergarten activities ino Pre-K curriculum

The Literature Review should include a minimum of 5 articles that you have grouped by themes. Some themes might be pro’s and con’s. Use these articles to tell a story, to lead the reader to understand the need and importance of your question. The question There should be a bridge between Pre-K and Kindergarten by
incorporating Cognitive Kindergarten activities ino Pre-K curriculum
Your literature review should include the following 3 sections:
Introduction (See rubric for grading criteria)
Literature Review*
Highly Developed
Writing Skills
5 points
Clear, succinct writing. Free of spelling and grammatical errors.
5 points
APA citations and style used correctly and as needed.
5 points
Clear, succinct introduction to both topic and question.
Literature Review
5 points
Well developed, logical case made for the importance of question. Clear support from current research.
5 points
Selected articles are highly relevant to the need. There are no extraneous articles.
Inspired Practitioner Inquiry Plan
5 points
Clear and appropriate approach to answer question.
CLO 2: Conduct a literature review of a current issue.
CLO 3: Develop an action plan for practitioner inquiry.
CLO 2: Conduct a literature review of a current issue.
CLO 3: Develop an action plan for practitioner inquiry.

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