Prepare a presentation by selecting a Lifespan Development Theory that you can compare each stage to your own life.

Prepare a presentation by selecting a Lifespan Development Theory that you can compare each stage to your own life.
Create an Adobe Sparks, Smore Newsletter, PowerPoint, or Word Document and include your name, class title, name of the assignment, & date at the beginning of the assignment.
Select ONE Lifespan Development Theory that was discussed in the Lesson this week. Explain each stage of your selected theory. List and compare each stage with your own life up to your present stage. Then name and describe stages that you have not encountered yet.

Include physical, cognitive, and psychosocial development from prenatal through the last stage of life.
Define sexual orientation & gender identity based on Week 4’s Lesson (Hint: they are not synonymous concepts!). Describe how the development of gender identity occurs based on your selected theory and its impact on personality & sexuality.
Add at least 4 pictures (illustrations/charts/graphics or videos) and include a caption for each to indicate which stage in which it would occur.
Add at least 4 scholarly references in APA format (NOTE: With only a few exceptions, .com, .org, .gov, and .edu websites and others found by “Googling” are not considered scholarly sources because they are not peer-reviewed). Use the APUS Library to find academic/scholarly sources.
Select the FREE Plan for Adobe Sparks.
How to Create a PowerPoint
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