prepare a short handout (3-5 paragraphs — approximately 1 page if printed) to be included in a new employee orientation session.

For this discussion, you will prepare a short handout (3-5
paragraphs — approximately 1 page if printed) to be included in a new employee
orientation session. In your handout, discuss the primary methods for
establishing a person’s identity and then discuss how the individual’s unique
characteristics will be used to control access to the organization’s enterprise
IT resources and systems. Use information from the AC (Access Control) and IA
(Identification and Authentication) families of security controls as
authoritative sources for the requirement that employees provide identity documents and allow their physical characteristics to be measured for use as
biometric factors in the identification and authorization processes used to
grant access to email, timekeeping, and other web- or cloud-based IT services.
Remember to use and cite authoritative sources in your work.
Place your list of references at the end of your paper.
Remember to submit your discussion response to the Turn It
In for Discussions assignment folder. See the forum instructions for more

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