Provide a detailed, succinct, and well-written response to the following prompt,

Provide a detailed, succinct, and well-written response to the following prompt, which focuses on works from the M2 – Online Learning Resources page. Your response should be 150–200 words long—no less, no more—which is basically the length of these instructions. You may review any course material before writing your response, including the provided Films on Demand documentaries, though it must be completely your own work and should not include any ideas or wording from this material. Absolutely no outside research is permitted for this assignment! Further, please introduce your chosen work for this response by using the artist’s name and properly-punctuated work title, as modeled in the prompt. After doing so the first time, you may simply refer to your chosen work as “the work” or “the symphony” for the remainder of your response. Finally, you are encouraged to review the grading rubric before beginning work on this assignment in order to be as successful as possible.
Reconsider Ludwig van Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5 in C minor and Hector Berlioz’s Symphonie fantastique, specifically the final movement of each work. Based on your listening and the provided material, which of these two symphonies (specifically its final movement) do you believe better demonstrates inexhaustibility in regards to its content? In other words, which of these symphonies requires stronger participation regarding the artist’s expression of his/her emotions? Why? What specific aspects of this work’s form, based on your current knowledge of form in music, helped you make this decision? Please note that your response should focus directly on the movement specified in the prompt, not on the entire work. Also, please refrain from mentioning cartoons, Tom & Jerry, Disney, etc., when discussing your chosen piece of music.
Ludwig van Beethoven: Symphony No. 5 in C minor, op. 67 [Austrian. 1804-1808. Romanticism]
Hector Berlioz: Symphonie fantastique (Fantastical Symphony), op. 14 [French. 1830. Romanticism

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