psychiatrists, psychologists, psychotherapists, and other mental health professionals have grown in number.

Complete the following in the form of an essay. You may answer the question in a maximum of 1000 words. Do not go over the word count (citations do not count against the word count). You may use the assigned readings to answer the question. Other outside sources are not permitted.
Please answer ONE of the following questions in an essay-style format, clearly identifying which question you’re going to answer:
1) Some scholars have argued that “mental illness” does not so much describe the individual’s state of mind as it does their relationship to the world around them. Why might scholars make that argument? To what extent do you support that claim?
2) In the last thirty years, psychiatrists, psychologists, psychotherapists, and other mental health professionals have grown in number. At the same time, the scope of their duties has widened and they have never been busier. How can we account for this development?

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