public relations are different functions, they often employ similar strategies to convey a positive organizational reputation.

Although marketing and public relations are different
functions, they often employ similar strategies to convey a positive
organizational reputation.

A breakdown in public relations can lead to negative
financial outcomes for the organization. Although the primary goal of the
marketing function is to increase revenue, it shares with public relations
representatives the purposes of developing positive perceptions and communicating
Access and read all parts of the case study “Death by
Measles” (p. 484 of Introduction to Health Care Management). Also review the
resources linked on the Learning Objects page. Then develop an original post
using these guidelines:
Select three of the discussion questions to answer and
justify with research evidence.
Outline a public relations campaign to address public outcry
when negative media stories emerge about the incident.
Resource links
Pg 484
Death by Measles – Case for Chapters
17, 11,
and 15
Sharon B. Buchbinder
In July 2015, an elderly woman being treated for several
health issues attended a local health clinic. The medications for her chronic
diseases placed her in an immunocompromised status. While waiting to be seen by
her primary care physician, a child came in with his mother, sneezing and
coughing. Nothing more was thought of it until the woman died from
pneumonia—caused by measles. This was the first death in the United States from
measles in 12 years.
Discussion Questions
are the facts of this case?
would have been the potential impact on the woman if the child had the
following diseases: pertussis, polio, influenza, or Ebola?
are the management implications of this case? Should there be separate
waiting rooms for people with an immunocompromised status?
are the legal and ethical obligations of the parent of the unvaccinated
are the legal and ethical obligations the clinic has to its patients and
how do they apply to this case? Should the woman’s family seek legal
who works at the clinic refuses to have an influenza vaccination. She does
not have allergies, nor does she have religious objections. She just
“doesn’t believe in them.” Create a script for a conversation with this
employee, urging her to reconsider, and detailing the consequences of her
continued refusal.

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