read attached article and answer the following questions in the format below. ma

read attached article and answer the following questions in the format below. make sure each bullet point is clearly labled Question, next paragrapgh quotation etc
post a question that invites analysis, synthesis, or evaluation of the reading material or makes connections between the readings and previous discussions or readings. Your classmates will answer this question.
provide a quotation, one that is especially pertinent or relevant to the main points of the reading and one that will prompt significant discussion;
post two (2) Talking points that you think with initiate discussion amongst your classmates. These points should show that you have thought seriously and critically about the readings. These should let your classmates “see inside your head” as to what you think, accept, reject about the reading material. Your 2 talking points should cover different topics from the readings. The purpose of formulating and posting these is to help you organize your thoughts and focus your ideas.

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