Recidivism among Participants of a Reentry Program for Prisoners Released without Supervision (Links to an external site.).””

Read all the material required for this module before attempting this assignment.
In a 3- to 5-page paper, address the following:
Part I – Review the following journal article: “Recidivism among Participants of a Reentry Program for Prisoners Released without Supervision (Links to an external site.).””Recidivism among Participants of a Reentry Program for Prisoners Released without Supervision (Links to an external site.).”
Based on the journal, discuss the type of experimental design that is included.
Give 2-3 reasons why this approach might have been used.
Part II – Search in the library databases for two journal articles where one utilizes an experimental design and the other a quasi-experimental design.
Based on your articles, summarize the articles and then provide insight into generalizability and internal validity on both articles. Be sure to provide the full-text versions of the articles in pdf.

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