Reflect on how you envision this article being an influence on or translate into practice to enhance patient outcomes APA format, Times Roman size 12 font, double space, use a Title page, create a reference page Submit by Saturday June 4, 2022 at 11:59 p.m.

Article Critique of Research Study Assignment (Drop Box)
Chose ONE Research Article associated with Nursing Informatics and/or the Role of the DNP
Submit and Article Critique (utilizing the Article Critique Rubric located in our syllabus)
Discuss the relationship between your chosen article and this course or your current clinical practice
Reflect on how you envision this article being an influence on or translate into practice to enhance patient outcomes
APA format, Times Roman size 12 font, double space, use a Title page, create a reference page
Submit by Saturday June 4, 2022 at 11:59 p.m.
NOTE: No page minimum or limit is being identified related to our individual ability to express our thoughts (some may require more space or less space)
Assignment is worth 10 Points (see Article Critique Rubric)
Name: Article Critique Rubric Spring
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Excellent Proficient Novice
Research Question
2.5 (25.00%)
Accurately identifies the research question.
1.25 (12.50%)
Partially identifies the research question.
0 (0.00%)
Research question is not identified.
Review of the Literature
2.5 (25.00%)
Fully identifies how the literature review justified the research question.
1.25 (12.50%)
Partially identifies how the literature review justified the research question.
0 (0.00%)
No analysis of the literature review presented in the article is completed.
Research Methods
2.5 (25.00%)
Able to fully identify and support research method(s). Example: qualitative, quantitative, or mixed method
1.25 (12.50%)
Able to partially identify/support research method(s). Example: qualitative, quantitative, or mixed method
0 (0.00%)
Not able to accurately able to identify research method(s). Example: qualitative, quantitative, or mixed method
Results and Discussion/Conclusions
2.5 (25.00%)
Able to fully justify and accurately identify results, discussion, and conclusion.
1.25 (12.50%)
Able to partially justify and accurately identify results, discussion, and conclusion.
0 (0.00%)
Not able to accurately justify results, discussion, and conclusion.
Name:Article Critique Rubric Spring

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