, republicans were immediately discussing how to repeal and replace the ACA (Milstead & Short, 2019).

When President Trump took office, republicans were immediately discussing
how to repeal and replace the ACA (Milstead & Short, 2019). Within a
year of Trump’s presidency, though, republican legislators realized the time to
implement such changes would bump against the 2018 election year (Milstead
& Short, 2019). As a result, no changes were made in fear of losing
support. Many states and their Governors are resistant to the ACA
being repealed or replaced (Willison & Singer, 2017).

This means
legislators for these states are less likely to support an ACA change; they fear it may result in state officials not endorsing them for future terms
and losing votes. For example, the State of California has stated they do
not support an ACA repeal or replace, due to loss of federal funding, loss of
employment, and state revenue (UC Berkeley Labor Center, 2020)
Write a reply to the above paragraph in half
page. Need two reference.
Legislation members require votes from the
population they serve to be elected or re-elected. If the voters do not feel
that the legislator supports their beliefs and holds their best interests, then
they face losing their votes. A legislator is elected because of the faith that
voters have that this individual is going to make important decisions on their
behalf that are in their best interests. Many Republicans that were against the
ACA faced losing votes from their voters based on the concern that they would
lose their health care coverage (Willison & Singer, 2017). The role of the
voters does make an impact. If a legislator is looking to get re-elected but
did not hold true to the promises that got them their votes in the first place
then they will likely lose their re-election. Write
a reply to the above paragraph in half page. Need two reference.

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