Research ProposalFinal Project: Research ProposalPlease use the attatched file

Research Proposal
Final Project: Research Proposal
Please use the attatched files for your rewrite
In Weeks 1 through 9, you have created all the sections to be included in the research proposal. This week, you will collate all these sections and create the final draft. For this assignment take the opportunity to review all the feedback your instructor provided throughout the course on the various project assignments. Use that feedback to revise and improve your project for this final draft.
Make sure your research proposal adheres to the following structure:
Title page
Abstract (see APA guide for format)
Literature Review
Discussion and Conclusion
In addition, each section should include the following information:
Abstract: An abstract is a summary of the paper. Review the abstracts of the articles used in your literature review for and example of a detailed abstract.
Introduction: This section has been already created in Week 8.
Literature Review: This section was created in Weeks 6 and should have been integrated into your introduction in Week 8. The literature review is not a copy of that material. Rather, it is a synthesis of the material you found into a cohesive review of the literature on your chosen topic. Make sure to include all the articles that you used in Weeks 2–5 for your literature review.
Methodology: This section has been already created in Week 7.
Discussion and Conclusion: This section has been already created in Week 9.
References: In this section, you should include all articles you collected for the literature review. In addition, take care to put all the references in APA format.
Submission Details:
Submit your research proposal in a Microsoft Word document to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.
Name your document: SU_PSY3011_W10_Project_LastName_FirstInitial.
Using APA format, be sure to parenthetically cite your sources, and Reference on a separate page.

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