resentation that lists the health needs based on the community needs assessment that was performed and the critical data sources and data sets needed for the population health management program your health system is planning to launch.

Using the information from the modules 01, 02, and 03 summative assessments, construct a dashboard using “a PowerPoint” presentation that lists the health needs based on the community needs assessment that was performed and the critical data sources and data sets needed for the population health management program your health system is planning to launch. (please see the attached three documents for the information needed). “Must have accurate graphs, figures, charts, and/or images to explain the data further”.
Please see the Rubric below:
A – 4 – Mastery

Executive dashboard lists the health needs based on the community needs assessment and the critical data sources and data sets needed for the population health management program with minimal errors or information missing.
A – 4 – Mastery
All required graphs are present and are an accurate depiction of the data.
A – 4 – Mastery
Executive dashboard is professional in appearance with accurate graphs, figures, charts, and/or images to further explain the data.

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