Review and Analyze three (3) separate contracts and/or offer letters for University of Tennessee

Review and Analyze three (3) separate contracts and/or offer letters for University of Tennessee Executives and/or Coaches (that are available at and provide, for each a description of the consideration of the Offer, and any penalties that may occur due to breach. Additionally, in no more than two (2) paragraphs describe ant similarities and differences between the three (3) contracts that you exine. Readings
Ferris, J., Contracting in Higher Education, The Journal of Higher Education, Vol. 62, (Jan. 1991). Kaplin W. A., & Lee, V. A. (2014). The Law of Higher Education, 5th Ed. (Student Version). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Marking, K., Don’t Overlook Contracts, The Cronicle of Higher Education. (available at
Review the resources available for spotting risk management issues I’m higher education contracts at – management-and-leaswraip/agreements-and-contracts
Contract Law Overview in About 5 minutes ( available at
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