Review the current National Patient Safety Goals (NPSG) for hospitals from 2020 and 2021

Review the current National Patient Safety Goals (NPSG) for hospitals from 2020 and 2021 and identify 2–3 ways to adhere to each goal in practice. Use the Hospital National Patient Safety Goals, if needed.
Then, respond to the critical thinking questions in a Microsoft Word document. Each response should be original (in your own words) and use complete sentences.
Critical Thinking Questions
Compare the NPSG from 2020 to 2021. What areas continue to have the same goals? Are there goals that were part of one year that are not part of the other? Why do you think some of the goals continue year after year?
Choose two goals from 2021 and identify a strategy for each goal that organizations could implement to achieve this goal.
Reflect on what you have learned in this class, identify a goal that is not listed in the NPSG but should be, and provide a rationale for why you believe this goal is important.

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