Should the President of the United States be elected by the Electoral College (the current process) or should it be changed so that the person with the largest number of popular votes is elected President?**

2 essays, 500 and 300 words
1st essay – see attached
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Write a 500 Word Summary of what happened in Florida on election night in 2000, the events that occurred after the election, and the decision the United States Supreme Court made regarding the Florida results. Conclude by stating whether you think the United States Supreme Court made the right decision and the reasons you feel that way.
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If your response is less than 500 words, you will not receive full credit.
2nd essay

If you copy your response directly from the Internet, you will receive no credit for your answer.
Your task is to write an argument (persuasive essay) either in favor of or against the use of the Electoral College. Your argument should be at least 300 words in length. If you write less than 300 words, you will not receive full credit.
** You are answering the question “Should the President of the United States be elected by the Electoral College (the current process) or should it be changed so that the person with the largest number of popular votes is elected President?**
Make sure you consider all ramifications of your argument and include criticisms of the option you did not choose.
Some of the founders wanted to select a president by popular vote, but others did not want to put that much power into the hands of the voters. Others believed that Congress should select the president, but then, what would happen to the separation of powers and checks and balances? So they compromised and created a special body of electors to be selected by the states. The number of electors would be equal to the sum of a state’s Senators and Representatives, so that large states would have more electors than the small ones.
Today many people believe that the Electoral College is out of date and that presidents should be chosen by direct election, just as members of Congress are selected. By convention, state electors vote for the candidate that the people select in the general election, but they are not necessarily bound to do so.
The Electoral College also adds one wrinkle — it is possible for a president to win the popular vote and still lose the election. For example, if the Republican candidate gets even one more vote than the Democrat, all the states’ electoral votes go to the Republican. Therefore, if a candidate wins small states by large pluralities and loses large states by narrow margins, it is possible to gain more votes than an opponent and win fewer electoral votes. Five presidents — John Quincy Adams, Rutherford B. Hayes, Benjamin Harrison, George W. Bush, and Donald J. Trump — have been elected in this fashion.
If you copy your response directly from the Internet, you will receive no credit for your answer.

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