Show understanding of how other areas of study or theories may connect to the issue at hand

Write a response on the reading (s) from this week that most spoke to you most. This should be 2 pages using APA format, double-spaced.
Ideally, submissions will display the student’s increasing ability, over the course of the semester, to use the theories presented in class as tools to analyze the narratives or other situations about which they write.
Reader responses will receive a grade of at least B or B+ if they meet these bare minimum requirements:
Have been handed in on time
Accurately represent the subject text: both factually and philosophically
Include discussion that reveals an understanding of the readings and connection to self, with a wish to extend that discussion further.
Reference to the readings should be provided as evidence.
Contain a clear thesis and support for that thesis
Responses that go above and beyond the bare requirements are A or A- papers. These entries will meet all of the requirements above but also will:
Not only accurately depict the readings but also show evidence of deeper analytical thinking but providing a strong case for positions asserted by reference to the text,
Show understanding of how other areas of study or theories may connect to the issue at hand
Shows clear connection to self and own experiences
Pose good questions or strongly supported criticism of the text
Apply the material to situations in everyday life/ propose novel applications for any insights provided in the theory.
Responses that do not meet the minimum requirements above will receive grades of B-, C+, C, C- or D. These papers may:
Be late or significantly less than the goal length of two pages
Not contain a clearly discernible thesis
Not show a connection to self.
Lack support from the readings or misrepresent the author
Contain only opinion without any attempt to provide a genuine argument
[Grading criteria developed with guidance from C.Phillips’ criteria as adapted from J.Hauer and from Joel Feinberg’s “Doing Philosophy”]

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