Side effects, short and long term of the vaccination in comparison to natural covid side effects and duration?

Covid Vaccine is what I’ve decided on. I believe that not having the vaccine is far superior to having it. I believe that being unvaccinated is preferable to being vaccinated since the risks of vaccination are significantly more than the risks of not being vaccinated. I’ll show you evidence that vaccines contain components that are bad for your long-term health. According to the FDA, vaccines include cholesterol, which is linked to heart disease and stroke. It’s also possible to become paralyzed in some situations. The vaccine’s ingredients may interfere with your body’s chemical makeup, resulting in various problems.
4 things im wanting to provide
1.Statistics on hospitalizations/deaths of vaccinated vs unvaccinated?
2.Side effects, short and long term of the vaccination in comparison to natural covid side effects and duration?
Factors like weight, alcoholism, and autoimmune factors can weigh on risks/benefits?
Death rates vaccinated vs unvaccinated?

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