smart contracts in Ethernet will consume some gas, which will directly affect the cost of smart contracts.

Please be precise and use correct and valuable articles, the year. Most of the papers must belong to 2020 and further.
The smart contract on the blockchain allows credible transactions without a third party. These transactions are traceable and irreversible. The deployment and implementation of smart contracts in Ethernet will consume some gas, which will directly affect the cost of smart contracts. In order to reduce the consumption of gas during the execution of smart contracts, this article proposes an optimization algorithm for generating business process smart contracts. First, business process modeling notation (BPMN) models are extended to Petri nets. Second, Petri nets are simplified to find nodes in BPMN models that can be considered fusion tasks.

Using new mapping rules from the BPMN model to solidity language, BPMN model is generated into Ethereum Smart contract model. In the BPMN models with multilayer fusion task, experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can save 15% gas on average for business processes with multiple fusion tasks.

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