So depending on the work environment, the business will have to figure out which relationship works best for their business.

1. If you could meet any of the panelists which one would you want to meet and why?
I think I would like to meet Katie! Since she is a certified wedding planner and won an award for her own wedding, I would love to pick her brain because I am currently planning my own!
What are two tips you learned from the panel discussion that you will start doing NOW as a student to make yourself more marketable after graduation?
Prepare extremely well for interviews and get an internship.
Do you think joining a student organization or volunteering at college events will be good additions to add to your resume? Why or why not?
I think volunteering would be a fantastic opportunity to pad out my resume. However, I am not physically located in Houston so I would be unable to join anything or participate in any events. I do also believe that actual work experience is more valuable than volunteering or club associations so if I had to pick one or the other, I would pick work.
Do you think this recorded session was beneficial to understanding what life could be like after graduation? Why or why not?
Yes, I think hearing about experiences from recent graduates was extremely helpful in understanding how I need to market myself towards future employers.
If you could meet any of the panelists, which one would you want to meet and why?
If I could meet any of the panelists I would meet caleb. I can relate to his work school balance right off the bat of the panel discussion. I also can relate with the fact that he was extremely restaurant driven, all while being open, thats where his heart started. He is also seems very level headed and easy to listen to.
What are two tips you learned from the panel discussion that you will start doing NOW as a student to make yourself more marketable after graduation?
First I would be more open about the different types of routes in the hospitality industry, like katie says, “Your on one highway but you might not be sure that exit you will get off at. “ Secondly, I liked how caleb talked about following up after a failed interview process, I dont think this topic is talked about enough. I strongly believe that failed interview process do not always mean you are not for the job, it might just mean that you were not culturally aligned, just something you can not take personally.
Do you think joining a student organization or volunteering at college events will be good additions to add to your resume? Why or why not?
I think I might have a controversial opinion but I think that my experience that I have gained throughout the last 4 years while working in college would outweigh having a student organization on my resume. Personally as someone who has worked directly with hiring staff, I always loved seeing someone with a good amount of experience. Also I have a lot of friends who were SUPER engaged in college but are now struggling to find jobs because they have no experience, maybe this is what really scares me into motivation to keep driving my focus into my worklife.
Do you think this recorded session was beneficial to understanding what life could be like after graduation? Why or why not?
Yes, I like that Katie talked about, “not liking being told what to do that’s why she works for a small business” because I always felt a little scared to admit that that’s exactly how I feel. Getting the chance to hear someone so successful talk about wanting to have more creative freedom than now is honestly, so relieving.
write open ended question after watch video of chapter 3 , 4 and 5 total of 3 questions
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
wrte reponse to these questions
1. With statute of limitations in mind, is there a certain timeframe that all disclosures must date back or do they have to be in current times?
In chapter 5 under The Franchise Rule, it indicates that The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) requires all franchisors to supply information that they feel is necessary for a potential franchisee to make an informed buying decision. With that information I wonder if that means that the franchisor must include all disclosure from the very beginning of the establishment? Or does it have to be from the past 5 to 10 years? Do you get to pick and choose what you want to disclose? How flexible can you be or is there even any wiggle room to be had with these disclosures? Also, something that was mentioned in the book was that the FTC does not necessarily verify the accuracy of the information.
2. Are Agency Relationship necessary in the hospitality business?
The Agency Relationship is a vital part of the ownership of a hospitality business. These businesses are managed under a variety of operating structures. There are three relationships between businesses: 1. Master-servant, 2. Agent-principal and 3. Independent contractor. The Master-Servant is where the employee performance is controlled by the employer. The Agent-principal is when employees act on behalf of the principal. With the independent contractor, employers have very little control over the conduct of the independent contractor. So depending on the work environment, the business will have to figure out which relationship works best for their business.
3. Why are verbal contracts legally binding and upheld?
The hospitality industry is known for its fast-paced work environment. The hospitality manager is bound to deal with so many things, across all departments, in order to keep the operations going. Of course, they may say things in an effort to keep the business afloat. Sometimes with all the craziness happening around them, their word may often get lost somewhere in the business day. Sometimes, they can be held accountable for a “breach of contract.” But why can a verbal contract be held to the same standards as a written contract? Can someone not just claim it as hearsay? What will happen, in the court of law, if someone was the challenge this as hearsay?

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