So, it is critical to understand how bring the data from other sources into excel.

The Blue Cat Widget Company has accumulated a lot of data. As the Business Analyst, you have been charged by the Chief Information Officer with pulling together some of the various sources of information into a single spreadsheet.
Though much data in a company is created and contained in spreadsheets, the source of the data is often originated in other places such as databases.  However, Excel is still the predominant tool for taking that data and analyzing or reporting it.  So, it is critical to understand how bring the data from other sources into Excel.
In this lesson you will learn how to pull data from various sources such as a text file and database. You will then learn how to put that data into usable format using tables and pivot tables.
The skills covered this week will include:
Import a text file.
Use AutoFilters.
Sort data by multiple columns.
Create a PivotTable.
Format fields in a PivotTable.
Use the Subtotal command.
Format data in an Excel table.
Sort data in an Excel table.

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