Spielvogel, Jackson, 2018. Western Civilization Volume 1: to 1715. Tenth Edition. ISBN 978-1-305-95279-9. Week 4 Reading Questions

Textbook – Spielvogel, Jackson, 2018. Western Civilization Volume 1: to 1715. Tenth Edition. ISBN 978-1-305-95279-9.
Week 4 Reading Questions
Answer the following questions in complete sentences. Each answer should be roughly two to three paragraphs. Use examples and/or quotes from the textbook to support your answers. Type in the answers directly below each question. Save and send the document as “week 3 reading questions your last name” (for example, week 4 reading questions ). 1. What role did Justinian see himself playing in Roman history?
2. What stresses did the Byzantine Empire endure in the seventh and eighth centuries, and how was iconoclasm a response to those pressures?
3. How did Muslims conquer so many lands in a relatively short period of time?
4. Describe the ways in which Charlemagne managed his empire. How did he prevent his lords
be seen as inefficient?
5. Explain the reasons for the fragmentation of the Abbasid Caliphate. How did Byzantium recover during this same time?

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