Statistics for Business & Economics, Revised, Loose-leaf Version, 13th + MindTap® Business Statistics 1 term printed access card ISBN: 9780357003299

Please don’t copy past anything from the internet, and citation should be right or any website like
course hero or Wikipedia that a red flag all work must be original!!! Write
your own thoughts not the internet or someone else thoughts!!
REQUIRED TEXT: Option 1: MindTap Business Statistics with XLSTAT, 1 term (6 months) Printed Access Card for Statistics for Business & Economics, Revised, 13th ISBN: 9781337406611
Option 2: Bundle: Statistics for Business & Economics, Revised, Loose-leaf Version, 13th + MindTap® Business Statistics 1 term printed access card ISBN: 9780357003299
Trine University
Class name: COURSE TITLE: Statistics and Quantitative Methods / COURSE & SECTION NUMBER: BA 6933
Week 5:
Week5 Discussion
Create and post an infographic that contrasts discrete probabilities and continuous probabilities. Discuss your infographic.
Question :
Create and post an infographic that explains simple linear regression. Discuss your infographic.
Define simple linear regression and explain the steps necessary to conduct a regression analysis using relevant graphics, diagrams, and short explanations within your infographic.
Submit a written discussion post explaining your infographic.
Before an assignment can be considered for grading it must be original work including infographics and content created by the student. Please create an original infographic using only the design platform, CANVA The work must be original and templates provided by CANVA are not acceptable. The submission must include a link to your original CANVA work.
Essential Activities: things can help you with the homework
1) Essential Activities:
Reading chapters 13-14 in Modern Business Statistics 7e will assist you in writing this discussion forum.
2) Watching the video, “Understanding Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) including Excel – Statistics Help” will assist you in writing this discussion forum.
3) Watching the video, “Simple Linear Regression Example” will assist you in writing this discussion forum.

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