Step 1 create an outline.

one- to two-page (250- to 500-word) paper
A two- to four-minute introduction speech
Step 1 Create an outline.
Using the preparation outline you created in Assignment 1.1, create a delivery outline for your introduction speech.
Using a different file name, save a copy of the Assignment 1.1 document in which you created the preparation outline.
Modify the preparation outline to make it a delivery outline.
Step 2 Practice your speech.
Practice using your delivery outline to deliver your introduction speech. Print your delivery outline so you can use it as your speaker notes.
Before you begin your practice delivery, imagine that you are standing in front of your target audience and think about the specific purpose you identified for your speech.
Remember that your speech should last between two and four minutes.
Keep track of the total time it takes you to deliver your speech to stay within this time frame.
Deliver your speech at least once all the way through.
Step 3 Present your speech.
Remember to pay attention to the audience’s nonverbal communication and adjust as necessary.
Step 4 Answer the questions.
In a one-page (250-word) paper, address the following:
Describe any issues you encountered during the delivery of your speech.
How many times did you practice delivering your speech before you felt comfortable presenting it?
What aspects of your speech delivery improved the most as a result of your practice?
Step 5 Save and submit your assignment.
When you have completed the assignment, save a copy for yourself in an easily accessible place and submit a copy to your instructor using the dropbox.

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