Step #2: Click “Republic of Texas Currency,” and “Negotiating for Peace With Mexico” to review Texas currency and a few letters about Texas-Mexico Peace.
50-100 words only
Step #2: Click “Republic of Texas Currency,” and “Negotiating for Peace With Mexico” to review Texas currency and a few letters about Texas-Mexico Peace. Please review at least the letter called “Queen Victoria’s Ratification of the Convention between the Republic of Texas and the United Kingdom”. These sources was found on the Texas State Library and Archives Commission website.
a) After review the items above, think about the economic and other post-war issues the Republic of Texas experienced during this time.
b) Think about what the general population of both Texas and the United States may have considered as the problems of Texas increased as well as the potential challenges/changes with more outside involvement from England and other nations.
Step #3: Write a summary on the importance and significance of the Republic of Texas era. Try to address the following below:
a) Do you think the Republic of Texas could have survived and successfully governed itself if its leaders allowed it to remain independent? Why?
b) OR, was the Texas economy and other aspects of the nation too complicated and difficult to resolve? Was the annexation of Texas the “only solution” for Texas?
c) How did the Republic of Texas era impact today’s Texas? Did Texans develop a “more unique” and/or “free-spirited” identity because of this history? If so, do you think this sense of independence and freedom continued to evolve and improve today’s state?
Assignment Parameters:
a) 50-100 words response related to the assignment’s questions
b) Two peer responses (25-50 words each) related to the assignment’s questions and student’s thoughts.

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