Streetcar Named Desire in the MLA Style. Follow all instructions for the MLA style and do not use the APA style. Keep reading.

Write your research paper on Streetcar Named Desire in the MLA Style. Follow all instructions for the MLA style and do not use the APA style. Keep reading.
The Research Paper will have the same structure as your past 2 thematic papers. The only difference is you will take from your research articles directly quoted critical comments that support your opinions and comments in each paragraph. Having at least 2 direct critical comments that have between 4 and 9 lines in each paragraph will help the strength of the essay. You must follow with a clear discussions of every line of the quoted critical comment. Of course you then take from the play events, dialog, stage directions to further support each paragraph. Keep reading below for a clearer picture of what you must do to compose this essay.
Your Research paper will be 2000 words and holds 20 % or 20pts. 5pts will go towards the MLA style usage .
Use 12 font Times Roman double space and MLA style. Make your margins regular ie. 1 inch.
Check COURSE DOCUMENTS for a lecture on writing a research paper MLA style
This paper is your mandatory research paper as per the department standards
The paper may deal with a character or the concept of love, relationships, fidelity, asexuality etc. as defined in the play itself and its characters, but not in your own generalizations of these concepts. Use the play completely to support your essay. Keep all statements focused on the characters, setting, plot, and dialog of the play.
Use the 3 critical analysis of published literary writers for this paper from our database. You must have at least 3 direct critical quotations from each source, so that means you will have 9 or more critical quotations in the paper from the research articles. Each quotations should be 4 to 7 lines and you should follow with your comments and support from the play or novel you read. Do not use critics to quote from the play or novel. Use the critic for his or her critical comment on that event, dialog, or excerpt. Your articles must have names and pages. You will use these in the intext citations in your paper and after your paper listed under Works Cited.
Use at least 4 to 9 direct quotations taken from the play that you have chosen as support.. Remember direct quotation of 5 lines or more must be indented five spaces of the left margin, remove the quotation marks and place the period after the last word of the quotation. Then follow with the intext citations that will be. last name and page number from the actual article. (Treis 3)
You will find these critical articles on our library database – Literary Sources. Course Documents guides you how to search our database.
Use our website to get scholarly journals/literary criticism on the novel.
You may use your own library if you are from another college.
Make sure that you use research references by the second paragraph of your essay and consistently throughout the essay to back up what you say or to show how you agree or do not agree with the criticism.
Your paper will be full of in-text citations; for example you have a line from Judith Fetterley that you quote, then your text will have (Fetterley 20). This is soon after your quotation taken from Fetterley. The amount of quoted material in your paper should not be more than 35% of the paper to avoid a cut and paste essay. You must have your own analysis and discussions of the play and the research.
have a works cited page at the end that lists the critics mentioned in your paper and not any that you do not mention in the paper. It should have
last name, first name. “Name of article” Journal name, date and page numbers. use the reverse paragraph so the name is near the margin and the rest of the lines below are 5 spaces in.
Please read all documents that explain the MLA style before you say you are confused.

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