Students are to compile a report for hotel staff to help them to prepare and manage the guest experience for international visitors.

Students are to compile a report for hotel staff to help them to prepare and manage the guest
experience for international visitors.
Using relevant cross cultural theories and models, begin by critically evaluating why cultural
intelligence and sensitivity is essential for hotel personnel before focusing on the hotel guest
service implications for guests from ONE international country of your choice. Please consider
relevant hotel departments/functions and how they might need to adapt their service delivery to
accommodate the guests’ specific cultural norms and requirements.
Summarise the above in a table of ‘Do’s and Don’ts’ which can act as a briefing document to
relevant staff in the hotel.
Use a report format for your work.
(1000 Word
minimum 12 refrences
ariel font 11 r times roman 12 1.5 or double spacing

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