sustain audience attention;

Argumentative Essay Assignment
For the Argumentative Essay, you will write a 3-4 page paper that takes a stand on an issue of your choosing. You can select any topic that you want. Be sure you provide plenty of evidence to support your position. You must have 3 sources used in-text. Your work cited page does not count towards page length.
A successful argumentative essay will do the following:
sustain audience attention; 2.
communicate clearly and effectively; 3.
reflect responsiveness to multiple perspectives on the topic;
and provide thoughtful, reasonable grounds in support of your perspective.
Stylistic requirements
12- point font
Double Spaced
Times New Roman
An Original Title
MLA Format
The Schedule of Assignments:
6/17- Topic and Outline
6/20 Rough Draft Due

Must be at least 2 pages long.

Must include bibliography with 2 sources.
6/29- Final Essay Due

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