Systemic Racism in Healthcare

Hello everyone,
I wanted to post a quick announcement regarding your PowerPoint Presentation and Week 10 discussion.
There WAS a link in the resources section for an “instructional video” that did not pull over from a previous course. I have taken it down because there isn’t a link within it to any video. This video shows you how to record your PowerPoint presentation and upload to Canvas. I will include a link to my video with these instructions and an explanation below.
First, HOW to do the assignment……
Download HEREfor the Instruction Sheet and Rubric
As far as topics, you might consider any of the following, or you may choose your own topic.
Staff Shortages.
Meeting Patient Expectations.
Long Working Hours.
Workplace Violence.
Workplace Hazards.
Personal Health.
Technology Changes
Systemic Racism in Healthcare
Educational requirements/changes
ANA and other nursing organizations are great sources of information for current events and challenges in nursing. As far as what to include in the assignment, be sure to look at each section of the rubric (page 2 of the attachment) to make sure that you include everything. It will truly depend on the topic as to what information should be included.
For your discussion this week, you have two options….You can upload your presentation and brochure (earlier assignment) for others to review, OR you can watch the NCSBN video and comment regarding the video and APRN regulations in your state. Regardless of which option you choose, you will still need to make sure that you provide feedback on your peers’ posts as usual.
Since the discussion is due Friday, and the Presentation Assignment is due on Sunday, it’s up to you about how to turn your presentation in. If you want to post it on Friday and get some peer feedback before turning in your final version, that’s fine. If you just want to go ahead and turn it all in before then, that’s fine as well. It’s whatever you prefer.
Click HERE (Links to an external site.) to access a video presentation for how to record and upload your PowerPoint Presentation.
I usually load my presentations to YouTube because once you record, the file size is sometimes too large to load to Canvas. If you DO need to load to YouTube, mark the presentation as an “unlisted video” in YouTube. You can then copy/paste the link to the video and post to your discussion/assignment drop box.

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