Take your research from the essays and present it in a multimedia presentation using powerpoint.

This is the last piece of your class project. Imagine you’re presenting your policy solution to Congress. Make it interesting and informative.
Take your research from the essays and present it in a multimedia presentation using PowerPoint. Here’s a link to instructions on using PowerPoint if you’re new to it. APUS provide access to Office 365. Even if you don’t want to use Microsoft Office, Open Office can also be used to create PowerPoint presentations. Alternative formats are acceptable too if available to you, such as Prezio or Knovio with free versions or free trials.
There is no need to purchase additional software to complete the assignment.
A title slide and reference slide.
Each topic will have a four-slide minimum to explain the problem, illustrate the competing solutions, and explain why one is better.
At least one use of animation and one sound should be used within the final product.
Be sure graphics are readable.
For detailed grading criteria, read through the presentation rubric.
After submitting the presentation, please upload it also to the Week 8 ungraded forum to show it off and comment on the work of your classmates. (Optional).

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