The ability to author a well written reflection paper is a staple undergraduate

The ability to author a well written reflection paper is a staple undergraduate work. By mid-semester, you are to watch the documentary, Gleason, and craft a reflection paper using the following guidelines.
Your paper should be written according to APA 7th edition guidelines and include an abstract and coverpage with the assignment title, your name, date, university name, school name, course number, and instructor (see figure 1 below). Your paper should be no less than 3 pages in length, double-spaced, 1-inch margins, Times New Roman, 12-point font, and include a reference page. There is no penalty for writing more than 3 pages. Do not plagiarize as each submitted paper will be scanned through plagiarism software. References from course textbook should be followed by an in-text citation. Each page should be numbered at the center and bottom of each page. Your cover page and reference pages do not count towards the total page count.
Steve Gleason, who was a defensive back for the New Orleans Saints, is best known for his 2006 block of the Atlanta Falcon’s punt during a September 25th Monday Night football game which, according to Robert Mays writing for the Ringer, was “…the play that sparked a magical season, inspired a statue, and revived a franchise.”
In 2011, he revealed that he had been diagnosed with Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. At the time, he was 34 years old. Weeks later, Steve found out that his wife, Michel,was expecting their first child.
Watch the film, Gleason:
Write a three-page paper and answer the following questions. Each section of your paper should be labeled with the corresponding question in bold.
• Which of the six Leadership traits described in the text does Gleason and or Michel demonstrate?
• Do Steve and Michel exhibit positive psychology? Yes, no, sometimes? Provide examples.
• Do Gleason and or Michel exhibit any of the Leadership styles mentioned in the course textbook? If so, which ones? Provide examples.
• Do Gleason and or Michel demonstrate a task oriented or relationship-oriented style of leadership? Does he demonstrate both? Provide examples.
• Has your definition of leadership changed since the beginning of the semester? If so, how?
• If life threw you this curve ball, how would you respond?

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