The Case of Cardinal Health Hospital

The Case of Cardinal Health Hospital
Complete your Module 5 Assignment by the end of Week 5.
Healthcare workers promote wellness through healthy behaviors and environments within medical facilities and in communities. In many societies, people have choices regarding their medical facilities, so the reputations of those facilities, healthcare organizations, and individual healthcare professionals must be established and promoted. Workplace environments and team dynamics play roles in those reputations and significantly impact patient safety and outcomes.
In this assignment, you will review background information for a team-based case study and respond by proposing solutions to the team problem from several perspectives. Then you will relate course objectives and content to the case study.
Step 1. Review (Background)
Review Section 1: Background and Character Description for the case study “Team or Hot Mess?” (p. 510, Introduction to Health Care Management).
Step 2. Propose (Case Study Part 1)
Respond to Case Study Part 1 by taking on the role of Maureen and proposing two alternate solutions as explained in the instructions. Include in-text APA-formatted citations to support Maureen’s solutions.
Step 3. Propose (Case Study Part 2)
Respond to Case Study Part 2 by taking on the role of Hyun and proposing two alternate solutions as explained in the instructions. Include in-text APA-formatted citations to support Hyun’s solutions.
Step 4. Propose (Case Study Part 3)
Respond to Case Study Part 3 by taking on the role of Tyree and proposing two alternate solutions as explained in the instructions. Include in-text APA-formatted citations to support Tyree’s solutions.
Step 5. Reflect
Write a 2- to 3-page reflection on how this case study relates to this course. Reference course objectives and content components specifically. Add your personal experiences as they relate to this case study and how achievement of course objectives have changed your perspectives on the case.
Step 6. Submit
Submit an APA-formatted document to include a title page, case studies, reflection, and reference page.

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