the CDC Risk Communication

For this Case Assignment, you will be using the CDC Risk Communication resource provided below.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC]. (2011). Gateway to health communication & social marketing. Risk communication. Retrieved on August 1, 2016 from
Step 1: Go to the website and, under Risk Communication, click on “Emergency Preparedness and Response.”
Step 2: Read through the information on this page and then click on “Information on Specific Types of Emergencies.”
Step 3: Next, browse through this information and click on “Recent Outbreaks and Incidents.”
Step 4: Under “Select a Year,” click any from 2015 to the present.
Step 5: Choose one of the recent outbreaks for your investigation.
In your paper:
Identify the incident/outbreak you selected for which risk communication was essential.
Describe the situation that occurred and provide some statistics to display the severity of the incident.
What types of communication/procedures were used during this incident? Provide examples on the information that was disseminated and how it aided in resolving the situation.

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